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Writer's pictureLa Tanya Walker

You’ve heard the phrase false evidence appearing real. Well, if you’re not careful, the falsities you’ve become BFF's with can overtake you and there you are believing in the very thing you know isn’t true. So, truth be told, it is only false if you choose not to believe it.

But what if you do?

Choose to believe in what you knew to be false as something indeed so real?

For years, that was me. I believed in something I knew without a shadow of doubt was not true. I had allowed fear to consume and much sooner than later I was overcome by it. Unlike many people who had a fear of insects or animals, heights or even dark places, those were the least concern. I had been an owner of what is said to be the most ferocious dog on the planet, I knew to use insect repellent for the creepy crawling thingy’s that sparked my fear and I had even fallen once, twice, maybe even a dozen times for that matter, so you would think, fear was not big deal right? Wrong!

My fear, while it did not come in the form of any of the things I just mention, it could however be summed up in one word…success. Yep, that’s right, I “was” afraid of success. I told you, I had fallen on numerous occasions and had even managed pulling myself back up by what my mom called bootstraps and started again, but the very thought of success terrified me.

You see, I made money, had a young, but great business on track to make its first million in company history, I had graced the pages of Who's Who in multiple cities (several times I might add), and received numerous accolades for my success in business and in the community, but in one fell swoop, I had been considered and like Job, I found myself losing it all - even the respect of some of you reading. Now, years later I am in position of having all those things and more, but the very thought of it brought about a level of anxiety that I couldn’t seem to shake. I tried writing, praying, worshiping and even mediating, but it had its grip on me and I was yet again overwhelmed with ‘what if?’

“What if I got it again, could I keep it?

What if God, you give it to me and decided I was up for consideration again and I lose it?

What if, ‘it’ happened, and I find myself back in that dark place I managed to come out of?”

My Promise Was Becoming My Problem...

Just the thought of it immobilized me. That’s when the conversations began, the Father and me. As I asked or should I say cried, He would challenge my perspective and ask, “What do you see?” And for a while, I would see exactly what He saw – me brokering deals, moving and shaking, back in my element doing what I love, but this time to the beat of His drum instead of that of my own. Yet, when the time came to shift, there fear was starring me dead smack in the eyes and instead of taking three steps forward, I found myself taking two steps backwards. My promise was becoming a serious problem. I was allowing my fear of becoming to start suffocating me. Eventually, I had a decision to make, either pull my big girl pants up and keep them up or shrink back in the dark place He had just delivered me from? Fast forward a few years and through intimacy with God and the power of prayer, I am winning the battle over that one!

And you can too…

But first you must understand that Satan's entire methodology is to push accusations at you over and over again until there is a breach (an entry way) for him to gain access, and once he does, he will take over your thought life. That's right, my fear and any form of fear you're having materialized through your thought life. So when you get a handle of your thoughts, he has no way to bother you.

How do you take control of your thoughts? Glad you asked. By renewing your mind. We are told not to conform to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. To renew means to renovate, to make new - so as you renovate your old way of thinking with the Word of God, you are destroying any access the enemy has in your life.

Let me encourage you by saying, trust your process, trust God and most importantly trust YOU! Trust that with God’s help, you can and will do all things through the One who strengthens you. Trust that as He opens doors you, whether large or small, not only will He give you grace to walk through them, but it will be Him who gives you the power to get wealth. Trust Him and you. Cleave to Him and when things get tough, and they will – run and hide in that secret place you and He established as your meeting place. I’ve been there and trust me there are still days I question the process, but when it is all said and done instead of tucking my tale and running, I look fear back in the eyes and tell it, “I AM more than a conqueror and God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind.”

Growth at any point is scary and that’s natural, but remember, never allow yourself to be so afraid of becoming who God has purposed you to be that you find yourself back in the very place you were delivered from. Instead, pinpoint where fear is coming from and begin to cast down every vein imagination that exalts itself again the knowledge of God; and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). In other words, speak the truth over the lie the enemy just told you. The enemy's job is to make accusations (lies, falsities) against you. You can't buy into them. Your responsibility is to command your thoughts to line up with the Word and will of God. As you do that, they (the lies the enemy is telling you) will become subject to the power of God and will have to obey.



If this article blessed you, pick up a copy of my latest eBook, Confidential Conversations: The Last Nine. If not for you for that someone who needs to SHIFT into their NEW NOW!!

Follow La Tanya on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter @LaTanyaDRWalker.


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